

Botox is a prescription drug made from the Clostridium botulinum bacterium that is used to temporarily paralyze muscle activity. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, botulinum toxin injections are the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure available. In fact, last year, Americans underwent more than seven million Botox treatments. What Does…<\/p>\n

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Radiesse\u00ae is an injectable dermal filler made mainly from calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres that very closely resemble the natural cells in your face. It is used to correct unwanted wrinkles and folds in the lower face. Radiesse stimulates natural collagen production to improve volume and reduce wrinkles for a year or more. Each year, Americans elect…<\/p>\n

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Juvederm is an injectable gel filler used to smooth away wrinkles around the mouth and nose and soften deep folds in the face. This hyaluronic acid (HA) based filler is used to reduce nasolabial folds (often referred to as \u201csmile lines\u201d), add volume to the lips and skin and fill in facial scars. Juvederm is…<\/p>\n

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Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to repair or reshape the nose. It can change the size, width and profile of your nose. It can smooth out depressions or bumps on the bridge, and fix an imperfect nasal tip (one that is too large, droopy or curves upward). Large or wide nostrils may be reshaped, and…<\/p>\n

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Brow Lift<\/a><\/h2>\n

A brow lift, sometimes referred to as a forehead lift or eyebrow rejuvenation, is a procedure in which the skin of your forehead is raised and excess tissue is removed to soften wrinkles and creases and restore a more youthful appearance. Who Can Benefit from a Brow Lift? As we age, lines across the forehead…<\/p>\n

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Chin Augmentation<\/a><\/h2>\n

A chin augmentation is a surgical procedure to reshape or enhance a weak chin. Implants are inserted over the lower jaw, creating a stronger and wider chin and slightly lengthening the face. As with any aesthetic surgery procedure, the best candidates will be in good health and have realistic goals for their surgery. Why Get…<\/p>\n

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Scar Revisions<\/a><\/h2>\n

Scars are remnants of wounds that have healed following an accident, injury or disease. They are made of fibrous tissue and vary in size, shape, color and texture. Scar revision surgery is a plastic surgery procedure to improve the condition or appearance of your scar. Types of Scars Before you undergo scar revision surgery, it…<\/p>\n

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Injectable Fillers<\/a><\/h2>\n

Injectable wrinkle fillers are soft tissue fillers that are injected into the skin to give you a more youthful appearance. They fill in lines and wrinkles that are the result of aging, smoking, sun exposure and gravity. The typical procedure takes less than thirty minutes and results last up to a year. While Botox injections…<\/p>\n

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