Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, also known as SSHL, is an abrupt loss of hearing that frequently affects only one ear. This condition can manifest as anything from a slight loss to complete loss and may happen all at once or over several days.
Should you experience any signs of SSHL, seeing a hearing specialist urgently is important to preserving your remaining hearing.
Recognizing SSHL

SSHL usually signifies a problem with the auditory sensory mechanisms of one ear. Unfortunately, many people delay medical attention, mistaking their symptoms for common ailments like allergies or colds. Recognizing and responding to the signs of SSHL quickly is helpful for protecting any remaining auditory capacity.
Key symptoms that may suggest SSHL include:
- Hearing loss noticed during routine activities, such as phone conversations or listening to music during exercise, for example at Augusta Personal Training.
- A sudden, loud pop in the ear followed by hearing loss.
- Tinnitus or a ringing sensation in the ears, which may be accompanied by balance issues, vertigo or dizziness.
- Waking up to find a loss of hearing.
Remarkably, about 50% of individuals with SSHL regain some or even all of their hearing within a couple of weeks.
Possible Causes of SSHL
The exact cause of SSHL is often unclear, and it may arise spontaneously. Nevertheless, several potential factors could precipitate SSHL, including:
- Inner ear disorders, like Ménière’s disease.
- Autoimmune conditions.
- Medications that are toxic to hearing (ototoxic).
- Circulatory problems.
- Barotrauma, or an imbalance in pressure between the internal and external ear areas.
- Neurological conditions, such as migraines or Multiple Sclerosis.
- Neoplasms affecting the auditory nerve.
- Infectious diseases.
- Trauma to the ear or head.
While this list is not exhaustive, it highlights the variety of conditions that can result in SSHL. A hearing specialist will typically administer a hearing assessment, perform a physical examination and review the patient’s medical history to identify the cause of SSHL.
Treatment Options for SSHL
The treatment strategy for SSHL will be contingent on its underlying cause. In cases where hearing cannot be fully recovered, hearing aids may be recommended to help manage hearing loss and aid individuals in adapting to the changes it brings. It’s essential to seek medical attention whenever SSHL is suspected.
For further information about hearing health or to book a hearing evaluation, please contact Augusta – Aiken ENT & Allergy to arrange a consultation today.