It’s November and the holiday season is officially upon us. This means family gatherings, holiday parties and visits to Lights of the South. While these are activities that bring a lot of excitement and joy, they can also be stressful. This is especially true if you have hearing loss. With all the extra socializing comes the possibility that you might struggle to follow conversations or miss important moments.
Let’s examine a few tips to help you hear better during the holidays and let you enjoy your time with family and loved ones.
Communicate Your Needs
There is no need to be embarrassed about asking people for help so that you can better understand them. A few things you could do if you run into trouble include:

- Ask for any clarification or for someone to rephrase something they said if you didn’t catch it the first time.
- Let the person (or persons) you are talking with know that it can be a bit harder for you to hear.
- If you are in a larger group, and there is a particular person you most want to talk with, try to sit or stand as close to them as possible.
- If you get lost, ask someone near you what the topic of conversation is so that you can join in if you desire.
- Keep a pen and paper or some other writing device in case you are really struggling to understand.
Practice Your Lip-Reading Skills
While lip-reading isn’t always precise, it can be a helpful skill that lets you feel more confident in taking an active role in conversations. A few tips to help you lip-read include:
- Asking the person you are talking to face you and avoid covering their mouth while speaking.
- Making sure the room is well-lit, if possible.
- Asking people to look directly at you when speaking.
Lip-reading takes a lot of mental energy. If you start to feel tired or frustrated don’t be afraid to give yourself breaks and spend some time alone somewhere quiet.
Have Your Hearing Aids on Hand
If you use hearing aids, bring them with you to any holiday event. Make sure they are fully-functioning, with working batteries. Bring extra batteries or make sure to charge your hearing aids before going out if you use a rechargeable device.
If you have been noticing any issues with your hearing aids, schedule an appointment with your hearing specialist to discuss your concerns. They can make any needed adjustments to ensure your hearing aids are working at their highest levels, so that you can head into the holiday season with peace of mind and quality hearing. For more questions or if you wish to schedule an appointment, call Augusta ENT today.