Cookie bite hearing loss is a type of sensorineural hearing loss that affects your ability to hear in the mid-range frequency, between 500-2,000 Hz. It gets its odd name because if you have mid-range hearing loss, your audiogram results are shaped like a U, similar to if someone took a bite out of it.
Causes of Cookie Bite Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss has many causes, including age, exposure to loud noise, and certain medications. However, in most of these cases, your ability to hear high-frequency sounds is what is first affected.
Having mid-frequency or cookie bite hearing loss is quite rare and almost always caused by genetics.
Research states that it only accounts for somewhere between 0.7–1% of all sensorineural hearing loss cases.
In rare cases, a benign tumor called an acoustic neuroma can also cause mid-frequency hearing loss.
Cookie Bite Hearing Loss Affects Ability To Understand Speech
Mid-frequency hearing loss is usually mild, and it may be hard to tell you even have a problem at first. However, much of human speech falls into the mid-range frequency, so struggling to follow conversations at work or when out with friends at Frog Hollow Tavern may be your first sign that something is wrong.
Diagnosing Mid-Frequency Hearing Loss
Mid-frequency hearing loss can be easily diagnosed during a hearing test. If you’ve noticed any problems or others have commented on your hearing, schedule an appointment to be evaluated by an audiologist as soon as possible.
Treatment Options
While mid-range hearing loss cannot be cured, there are treatment options to manage your condition. Making certain lifestyle adaptations like moving closer to a speaker or making sure you can see a person’s lips move when they talk can help improve your ability to understand what is being said.
Hearing aids can also be used to amplify mid-frequency sounds and make it easier for you to process what is being said. If your audiologist recommends hearing aids, they will work with you to find a pair that best meets your style and technology preferences as well as your individual hearing needs.
If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our experts, call Augusta – Aiken ENT & Allergy today.