It’s an odd sensation when you’re standing still, and the room feels like it’s moving. If this happens regularly, you may be experiencing vertigo.
Vertigo is one of the most common causes of dizziness and is often the result of an issue with the inner ear.
What Causes Vertigo
When this condition is caused by a problem in the inner ear, it is known as peripheral vertigo. There are several conditions that result in peripheral vertigo, including:
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV, which occurs when calcium deposits within the inner ear are displaced
- Labyrinthitis, or inflammation of parts of the inner ear due to infection
- Ménière’s disease, a condition where there is excess fluid in the inner ear
- Vestibular neuronitis, which is the result of a viral infection
Less common is central vertigo, which is the result of an issue in the brain, such as:
- Migraines
- Strokes
- Tumors
- Multiple sclerosis
- Alcohol
- Certain drugs
How Vertigo Is Treated
Our team at Augusta – Aiken ENT & Allergy will recommend a personalized treatment plan to help with vertigo. The first step is determining what is causing your symptoms.
Depending on your specific needs, our team may recommend:
- Repositioning maneuvers
- Medication
- Vertigo exercises
- In rare cases, surgery
Frequent or severe instances of vertigo can make you feel off balance, but our team at Augusta – Aiken ENT & Allergy is here to help. Make an appointment today to get started with a customized treatment plan.